Friday, August 22, 2014

Doomed From the Start [UNPLUGGED]

Once upon a time there was a girl and a boy. As fate would have it, their relationship was doomed from the start. The day after their first date the girl received and accepted a job offer. In two months she would move nearly 500 miles away in persuit of her dreams.
The complications didn't end there. The boy came complete with mounds of baggage. Between playing daddy to a child that wasn't his and a past of drug addiction and alcohol abuse he was unavailable to a large extent.

Regardless of all that was put against them the boy and the girl fell in love. This was not your everyday run-of-the-mill superficial love. It was a kind of once in a lifetime, feel it in your soul when you lock eyes, kind of love. they were a team. Everyday they spent together was easy and filled with passion and joy. Some of the happiest days of their lives were spent together.

Like I said, they were doomed from the start. As the days drew closer to the girl's departure the boy, with his already complicated life, used all of the strength he had in him and to let the girl go. He felt it was best for the both of them. He wanted the girl to follow her dreams for he did love her.
The girl left leaving a piece of her heart in his hand never quite knowing the sacrifice the boy had made.

The boy and girl had completely lost track of one another. The boy lost his phone and had changed his number making it impossible for the two to reconnect. The boy was also not on social media. Whenever the girl would come back to town to visit she would scan the streets for the boy and ask friends if they had seen him or knew how to find him. The girl even left a gift card with her contact information at their favorite coffee shop for him to find. The boy struggled to find the girl too. After she had left he went though nearly a year of tortuous times and deeply regretted letting her go. He missed her, he loved her. The trail ran cold.

The girl began to accept that she may never see the boy again. She pictured a day toward the end of her life where they would see each other one last time. They would both apologize and exchange pleasantries, share with each other where their lives had gone, and part again for the last time.

In another, more happy scenario the girl imagined, they found each other. They looked into each other's eyes, said how much they missed one another, apologized, and ran off and got married. The girl was a helpless romantic.

Two years went by. The girl had moved home and started rebuilding the life she left behind. Out of habit she still scanned the streets for the boy when she drove through town. She hadn't given up.
One day as the girl was running errands, the girl overshot the street of the business she was trying to locate. As she tried to turn the car around, out of the corner of her eye, she saw him.

She could not believe it! Two years of searching and there he was. He did not yet see her. The girl decide to park and walk the extra block the to the business she was seeking so she could get a closer look. Now he saw her.

The reunion did not quite go the way the girl had imagined but it was a start. Now young professionals the boy and the girl exchanged pleasantries and business cards before going their separate ways. In true modern fashion that night the boy and girl poured their hearts out to one another via text.

Like I said, their relationship was doomed from the beginning. They ran into each other the day before the boy was moving away to finally follow his dreams. Their wasn't much time. As the girl had pictured apologies were exchanged along with a recap of all that had occurred. The boy and girl missed each other fiercely and both regretted letting each other go. Life for these two, as it seamed, was always too complicated for them to ever be together, even now. The boy confessed that had the girl never left he believed they would still be together, maybe even more, but it was too late.

The next morning the girl sent one last series of texts to the boy. She wanted to see him, but he was already gone. This time he was the one who left taking what was left of the girl's heart with him. She had no choice but to let him go for she loved him and wanted him to follow his dreams. It was over.

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